IM 2702

IM 2702

IM 2702 được định vị là một thiết bị có giá thành hợp lý, đi kèm với một loạt các tính năng được cải tiến, giúp việc sử dụng và kết nối dễ dàng hơn, đồng thời tăng năng suất.

So với sản phẩm đời trước, IM 2702 cung cấp tốc độ in nhanh hơn với 27 trang / phút, khay giấy tiêu chuẩn lớn hơn, cũng như Bảng thao tác thông minh thế hệ mới (G2.5) 7''.

Nó cũng cung cấp nhiều tính năng kết nối theo tiêu chuẩn, bao gồm cả Ethernet có dây đến mạng không dây. In di động được hỗ trợ qua AirPrint, Mopria® và Wi-Fi Direct.

Ngoài ra, IM 2702 có kèm theo ARDF (tiêu chuẩn) để tăng năng suất.

Paper Feed Unit PB2030

Optional 1-tray paper feed unit that increases the paper capacity of the device. 

Capacity: 500 sheets
Paper size: B5–A3
Paper weight: 60–105 g/m2
Dimensions (W x D x H): 587 x 556.2 x 140 mm
Weight: 12 kg
Power consumption: 18 W or less

Cannot be installed with Paper Feed Unit PB2040
Paper Feed Unit PB2030
Paper Feed Unit PB2040

Optional 2-tray paper feed unit that increases the paper capacity of the device. 

Capacity: 1,000 (2 x 500) sheets
Paper size: B5–A3
Paper weight: 60–105 g/m2
Dimensions (W x D x H): 587 x 556.2 x 340.6 mm
Weight: 30 kg
Power consumption: 36 W or less

Cannot be installed with Paper Feed Unit PB2030
Paper Feed Unit PB2040
Bypass Tray Cover Type M16
Protects paper in the bypass tray in dusty environments.
1-Bin Tray BN2020

Collects output from a device and usually fits inside the face-down output tray.

Capacity: 50 sheets
Paper size: A6–A3
Paper weight: 60–105 g/m2
Dimensions (W x D x H): 416 x 84 x 425 mm
Weight: 2 kg or less
Power consumption: 7.9 W or less

1 Bin Tray BN2020
ADF Handle Type C
Assists seated users or users with arm injuries to open and close an automatic document feeder.
Fax Option Type M38

Enables fax services: 33.6 kbps, approximately 3 second transmission speed, and standard 4 MB memory.

Includes standard LAN fax and Fax forwarding to email.

Marker Type 30

A refill ink for ADF verification stamp that places a small mark on each page scanned or sent in immediate Transmission Mode. 

4 markers/box

Yield: 12,000 pages

By choosing this option the Fax Option Type M38 will be added to the configuration.
NFC Card Reader Type M38
Ricoh card reader that supports authentication via Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. It can be used with Ricoh devices that are equipped with the 10.1" Smart Operation Panel that have standard authentication embedded. 

Standard inclusions

  • 7" Smart Operation Panel
  • Mobile printing
  • 100-sheet ARDF
  • 500-sheet input tray + 100-sheet bypass tray
  • PostScript3 emulation

Current configuration

IM 2702
587 mm x581 mm x677 mm (W x D x H)
465 kg
Selected Options:
    IM 2702

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